Sunday, September 24, 2006

Travelogue Day 40


I got most of my assignment for Greg done today. Luckily, I had most of my ideas fully formed (or as close as I can get to fully formed) before approaching Powerpoint, or I'd have been lost. I also discovered that Blockbuster has Family Doctor, and I have all documentation needed to become a member.

We had class at NTF on database marketing (data mining), then back to UniLodge. I watched Big Brother (how can you not with the John, Ash, Camilla scandal?), discovered the "adults only" program was scrapped, and found all the bottle shops were closed at 21:30 when I went to drown my sorrow over the loss.

I really should have done something else, but I was still a bit angry that I only have less than two weeks remaining until I fly back to the states. I'd rather be staying a bit longer; I like Australia.

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