I'm still sick. Damnit! If all indications are correct, I'm doing alright. It should pass in the next few days. I hope the absinth helps.
I picked up absinth today. It was $60, so it had better last me at least two days. I've been drinking it by just mixing it with breakfast juice and have noticed no psychedelic effects, but I remain surprisingly alert.
I'm quite tired of this sinus issue keeping me in. How will I experience the fullness of Sydney (read chat up Aussie girls) when I'm required to remain indoors due to illness? Liquor had best make me better.
"Adult's Only" Big Brother is on tonight. It's rumored to have full frontal nudity on occasion. Do I tune in or no? The mystery must be excruciating for the reader.
Did the absinth ever get better? Is it real absinth? Or that thing they try to sell you in Mexico that's really just bathtub gin?
As far as I can tell it's the real thing. When I did a google image search for absinth/absinthe, the picture of that bottle that I bought is the same one included with the post and the one most often seen in the SERPs.
It also tasted the part and really did do that interesting thing of keeping you feeling like you were at the intoxication level of about three beers even though you've had nearly three-quarters of a bottle of 60%-70% alcohol by volume liquor (as will be done in an entry not too much later).
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